This is a list of all the BOE vendor recipes for every profession.
post 1:
First Aid
post 2:
post 3:
all the above information but organized by zone and not profession
to see every item from every profession look to Alumriel's profession PDFs:
First Aid
125 Expert first aid-under wraps
A Deneb Walker-(27,58) Arathi Highlands in stormgarde keep. go in front, under bridge, circle around to the right, now take the bridge over to other side, vendor is on the right in hanging vines area.
H Balai Lok'Wein-(36,30) Dustwallow Marsh Brakenwall Village
H Ghok'Kah-(35,30) Dustwallow Marsh Brakenwall Village
180 Manual: Heavy Silk Bandage
A Deneb Walker-(27,58) Arathi Highlands in stormgarde keep. go in front, under bridge, circle around to the right, now take the bridge over to other side, vendor is on the right in hanging vines area.
H Balai Lok'Wein-(36,30) Dustwallow Marsh Brakenwall Village
H Ghok'Kah-(35,30) Dustwallow Marsh Brakenwall Village
210 Manual: Mageweave Bandage
A Deneb Walker-(27,58) Arathi Highlands in stormgarde keep. go in front, under bridge, circle around to the right, now take the bridge over to other side, vendor is on the right in hanging vines area.
H Balai Lok'Wein-(36,30) Dustwallow Marsh Brakenwall Village
H Ghok'Kah-(35,30) Dustwallow Marsh Brakenwall Village
60 rage potion
N Defias Profiteer-(43,66) Westfall in moonglade second story of the building across from the deadmines entrance
H Hagrus-(46,46) Orgrimar by ragefire instance
A Xandar Goodbeard-(82,63) Loch Modan east side of map in -------- compound
N Ranik-(61,38) Barrens ratchet
100 holy protection potion
N Kzixx-(81,19) Duskwood north road to redrige side of road
A Xandar Goodbeard-(82,63) Loch Modan east side of map in -------- compound
N Hula'Mahi-(51,30) Barrens crossroads
135 shadow protection potion
A Harklan Moongrove-(50,67) Ashenvale north side of southern lake in building
H Christoff Jeffcoat-(62,19) Hillsbrad Foothils Taren mill
150 free action potion
A Ulthir-(55,24) Darnassus alchemy vendor craftsmens terris
N Vendor-tron 1000-(60,38) Descolace south east of thunder axe fortess
A Soolie Berryfizz-(66,54) Ironforge alchemy vendor gnome area
H Kor'geld-(56,34) Orgrimar the drag north side
165 fire protection potion
A Nandar Branson-(50,57) Southshore
H Jeeda-(47,61) Sun Rock Retreat second floor of the inn
165 shadow oil
N Bliztik-(18,54) Duskwood Raven Hill Cemetary he is upstairs in the house close to Jitters
H Montarr-(45,50) Thousand Needles Freewind Post
175 great rage potion
A Ulthir-(55,24) Darnassus alchemy vendor craftsmens terris
N Vendor-tron-1000-(60,38) Descolace south east of thunder axe fortess
H Hagrus-(46,46) Orgrimar by ragefire instance
190 frost protection potion
A Drovnar Strongbrew-(46,47) Arathi Highlands refuge point
N Glyx Brewright-(28,78) Stranglethorn Vale booty bay in store called Boucher's Cauldron
190 nature protection potion
H Bronk-(76,43) Feralas Camp mojache
A Logannas-(32,43) Ferelas Feathermoon Stronghold
N Glyx Brewright-(28,78) Stranglethorn Vale booty bay in store called Boucher's Cauldron
N Alchemist Petzlezugg-(50,26) Tanaris Gadgetzan
200 frost oil
N Bro'kin-(38,38) Alterac Mountians elite ogre area on top of back wall of compound
225 philosopher's stone
N Alchemist Petzlezugg-(50,26) Tanaris Gadgetzan
225 transmute:iron to gold
N Alchemist Petzlezugg-(50,26) Tanaris Gadgetzan
225 transmute:mithril to truesilver
N Alchemist Petzlezugg-(50,26) Tanaris Gadgetzan
245 ghost dye
H Bronk-(76,43) Feralas Camp mojache
A Logannas-(32,43) Ferelas Feathermoon Stronghold
250 elixir of demonslaying
A Nina Lightbrew-(66,18) Blasted Lands Netherguard Keep on the top floor of the tower
N Rartar-(45,57) Swamp of SorrowsStonard on the top floor of the inn
250 elixir of shadowpower
A Maria Lumere-(46,78) Stormwind Mage quarter alchemy supply store
H Algernon-(51,74) Undercity Apothacarium sw corner
260 superior mana potion
H Algernon-(51,74) Undercity Apothacarium sw corner
A Ulthir-(55,24) Darnassus alchemy vendor craftsmens terris
265 elixir of superior defense
A Soolie Berryfizz-(66,54) Ironforge alchemy vendor gnome area
H Kor'geld-(56,34) Orgrimar the drag north side
275 transmute: arcanite
N Alchemist Petzlezugg-(50,26) Tanaris Gadgetzan
275 major healing potion
N Evie Whirlbrew-(60,37) Winterspring Everlook
155 solid iron maul
A Jannos Ironwill-(45,47) Arathi Higlands Refuge point
N Jazzrik-(42,52) Badlands Middle of map
H Muuran-(55,56) Descolace Ghost walker post
160 hardened iron shortsword
N Jutak-(27,77) Stranglethorn Vale Booty Bay by hanging shark by inn
H Sumi-(82,23) Orgrimar Valley of honor nw corner
A Kaita Deepforge-(56,17) Stormwind Dwarven district by forge
185 massive iron axe
N Jaquilina Dramet-(35,10) Stranglethorn Vale Nessingwary camp
H Vharr-(32,27) Stranglethorn Vale Grom goll base camp
190 golden scale coif
N Krinkle Goodsteel-(51,28) Tanaris Gadgetzan
215 mithril scale bracers
H Gharash-(45,51) Swamp of Sorrows Stonard
A Harggan-(13,44) Hinterlands Arie peak
20 enchant chest minor mana
A Vaean-(58,14) Darnassus craftsmans terrace
A Tilli Thislefuzz-(60,44) Ironforge across form gryphon master
A Jessara Cordell-(43,64) Stormwind in the inn outside of mage quarter
H Kithas-(53,37) Orgrimar the drag north end
H Nata Dawnstrider-(45,38) Thunderbluff north center section
H Thaddeus Webb-(62,60) Undercity south side outer ring
N Kania-(51,39) Sithilus Cenarian hold
? Leo Sarn-(53,82) Silverpine Forrest hills south of road leading to hillsbrad
? Lilly-(43,50) Silverpine Forrest hills south of the sepelcher
45 minor wizard oil
A Vaean-(58,14) Darnassus craftsmans terrace
A Tilli Thislefuzz-(60,44) Ironforge across form gryphon master
A Jessara Cordell-(43,64) Stormwind in the inn outside of mage quarter
H Kithas-(53,37) Orgrimar the drag north end
H Nata Dawnstrider-(45,38) Thunderbluff north center section
H Thaddeus Webb-(62,60) Undercity south side outer ring
N Kania-(51,39) Sithilus Cenarian hold
? Leo Sarn-(53,82) Silverpine Forrest hills south of road leading to hillsbrad
? Lilly-(43,50) Silverpine Forrest hills south of the sepelcher
80 enchant chest lesser mana (horde only)
H Kithas-(53,37) Orgrimar the drag north end
? Lilly-(43,50) Silverpine Forrest hills south of the sepelcher
100 enchant 2h weapon lesser intellect
A Tilli Thislefuzz-(60,44) Ironforge across form gryphon master
H Kithas-(53,37) Orgrimar the drag north end
? Leo Sarn-(53,82) Silverpine Forrest hills south of road leading to hillsbrad
H Nata Dawnstrider-(45,38) Thunderbluff north center section
110 enchant cloak minor agility
A Dalria-(35,52) Ashenvale Astranaar
H Kulwia-(45,59) Stonetalon Mountians Skull rock retreat
125 enchant boots minor agility
N Zixil-(00,00) Hilsbrad Foothils paths back and forth between southshore and taren mill on road
H Nata Dawnstrider-(45,38) Thunderbluff north center section
140 enchant bracer lesser strength
A Dalria-(35,52) Ashenvale Astranaar
H Kulwia-(45,59) Stonetalon Mountians Skull rock retreat
150 minor mana oil
A Vaean-(58,14) Darnassus craftsmans terrace
A Tilli Thislefuzz-(60,44) Ironforge across form gryphon master
A Jessara Cordell-(43,64) Stormwind in the inn outside of mage quarter
H Kithas-(53,37) Orgrimar the drag north end
H Nata Dawnstrider-(45,38) Thunderbluff north center section
H Thaddeus Webb-(62,60) Undercity south side outer ring
N Kania-(51,39) Sithilus Cenarian hold
? Leo Sarn-(53,82) Silverpine Forrest hills south of road leading to hillsbrad
? Lilly-(43,50) Silverpine Forrest hills south of the sepelcher
170 enchant bracer lesser deflection
H Keena-(74,32) Arathi Highlands Hammerfall
A Micha Yance-(48,55) Hillsbrad Foothils Southshore
200 lesser wizard oil
A Vaean-(58,14) Darnassus craftsmans terrace
A Tilli Thislefuzz-(60,44) Ironforge across form gryphon master
A Jessara Cordell-(43,64) Stormwind in the inn outside of mage quarter
H Kithas-(53,37) Orgrimar the drag north end
H Nata Dawnstrider-(45,38) Thunderbluff north center section
H Thaddeus Webb-(62,60) Undercity south side outer ring
N Kania-(51,39) Sithilus Cenarian hold
? Leo Sarn-(53,82) Silverpine Forrest hills south of road leading to hillsbrad
? Lilly-(43,50) Silverpine Forrest hills south of the sepelcher
235 enchant bracer deflection
A Mythrin'dir-(60,17) Darnassus Crafters terrace
H Banalash-(44,56) Swamp of Sorrows Stonard
250 lesser mana oil
N Kania-(51,39) Sithilus Cenarian hold
265 enchant shield greater stamina
A Mythrin'dir-(60,17) Darnassus Crafters terrace
H Daniel Bartlett-(64,37) Undercity inner ring
275 enchant chest major health
N Qia-(61,37) Winterspring Everlook
275 wizard oil
N Kania-(51,39) Sithilus Cenarian hold
285 enchant cloak superior defense
N Lorelae Wintersong-(48,40) Moonglade Nighthaven south side of town
290 runed arcanite rod
N Lorelae Wintersong-(48,40) Moonglade Nighthaven south side of town
120 lovingly crafted boomstick
N Jinky Twizzlefixxit-(77,77) Thousand Needles Shimering flats racetrack
N Fradd Swiftgear-(26,25) Wetlands outside a house nw of map back off the shore
125 gnomish universal remote
N Jinky Twizzlefixxit-(77,77) Thousand Needles Shimering flats racetrack
A Gearcutter Cogspinner-(67,42) Ironforge Tinker town
140 minor recombobulator
A Fradd Swiftgear-(26,25) Wetlands outside a house nw of map back off the shore
Also in gnomeron either an npc or a machine that you need a key from a mob drop
150 blue firework (alliance only)
A Darian Singh-(29,67) Stormwind shop in the canals west side of city north of mage quarter
A Gearcutter Cogspinner-(67,42) Ironforge Tinker town
150 green firework
N Crazk Sparks-(28,76) Stranglethorn Vale Booty bay shop around back by hanging shark and transporter
N Gagsprocket-(62,36) Barrens Ratchet
150 red firework (horde only)
H Sovic-(75,25) Orgrimar Valley of strength
155 ice deflector
N Rizz Loosebolt-(47,35) Alterac Mountians gnome in cage in ogre area outside the northmost cave
N Super Seller 680-(40,79) Descolace at the road junction between shadowprey village and mannoroc coven
165 goblin jumper cables
N Super Seller 680-(40,79) Descolace at the road junction between shadowprey village and mannoroc coven
N Kzixx-(81,19) Duskwood north road to redrige side of road
N Zixil-(00,00) Hilsbrad Foothils paths back and forth between southshore and taren mill on road
N Veenix-(58,51) Stonetalon Mountians on cliff east of road on west side of windshear crag
180 accurate scope
N Super Seller 680-(40,79) Descolace at the road junction between shadowprey village and mannoroc coven
N Mazk Snipeshot-(28,75) Stranglethorn Vale Booty Bay
200 e-z thro dynamite II
N Blizrik Buckshot-(50,27) Tanaris Gadgetzan weapons dealer in hut on west side of town
200 gnomish cloaking device
N Zan Shivsprocket-(84,18) Hillsbrad Foothills in hills west of back path up to arathi
200 mechanical dragonling
N Gnaz Blunderflame-(50,35) Stranglethorn Vale Up in mountians on east border little south of ogre cave go up ridge at 49,38 then follow it north
210 deadly scope
N Knaz Blunderflame-(51,35) Stranglethorn Vale in mountians on east border of map south of the ogre camp go up ridge at 49,38 then follow it north
230 deepdive helmet
N Jubie Gadgetspring-(45,90) Azshara in hut at bottom of cliff south side of map path down starts at 45,88
250 mithril mechanical dragonling
N Ruppo Zipcoil-(34,37) Hinterlands in mountians north east of qull danil lodge
260 thorium widget
A Gearcutter Cogspinner-(67,42) Ironforge Tinker town
H Sovic-(75,25) Orgrimar Valley of strength
260 thorium grenade
A Gearcutter Cogspinner-(67,42) Ironforge Tinker town
H Sovic-(75,25) Orgrimar Valley of strength
260 truesilver transformer
N Mazk Snipeshot-(28,75) Stranglethorn Vale Booty Bay
260 gyrofreeze ice reflector
N Xizzer Fizzbolt-(60,38) Winterspring Everlook
275 masterwork target dummy
N Xizzer Fizzbolt-(60,38) Winterspring Everlook
275 powerful seaforium charge
N Xizzer Fizzbolt-(60,38) Winterspring Everlook
275 thorium tube
N Xizzer Fizzbolt-(60,38) Winterspring Everlook
285 delicate arcanite converter
N Xizzer Fizzbolt-(60,38) Winterspring Everlook
90 deviate scale cloak
N Kalldan Fellmoon-(??,??) Barrens in cave above cave entrance to Wailing Caverns instance must go around back and up top to drop down (can also get a quest for WC which gives you another patern if completed)
90 murlock scale belt
A Mavralyn-(37,41) Darkshore auberdine docks
H Andrew Hilbert-(43,40) Silverpine Forrest Sepelchur
A Gina Macgreggor-(57,53) Westfall sentinal hill by mill
95 murlock scale breastplate
A Mavralyn-(37,41) Darkshore auberdine docks
H Andrew Hilbert-(43,40) Silverpine Forrest Sepelcur
A Gina Macgreggor-(57,53) Westfall sentinal hill by mill
100 black whelp cloak
A Clyde Ranthal-(88,70) Redridge Mountians In mountians in the south east corner of map
100 black whelp tunic
A Amy Davenport-(29,47) Redridge Mountians Lakeshire
105 deviate scale gloves
N Kalldan Fellmoon-(??,??) Barrens in cave above cave entrance to Wailing Caverns instance must go around back and up top to drop down (can also get a quest for WC which gives you another patern if completed)
120 red whelp gloves
N Wenna Silkbeard-(25,25) Wetlands in the house back off the shore on west side of map
135 earthen leather shoulders
N Zixil-(00,00) Hilsbrad Foothils paths back and forth between southshore and taren mill on road
135 herbalist gloves
N Harlown Darkweave-(18,59) Ashenvale in mountians in south west corner of map
155 green leather armor
N Vendor tron 1000-(60,38) Descolace outside of hut south east of thunder axe fortress
H George Candarte-(91,38) Hillsbrad Foothills north east corner of map where the wall meets the mountians
N Wenna Silkbeard-(25,25) Wetlands in the house back off the shore on west side of map
155 barbaric bracers
A Saenorion-(63,22) Darnassus Craftsmans terrece
H Josheph Moore-(70,58) Undercity s[outh east quarter of map inner ring
170 barbaric leggings
A Hammon Karwin-(46,47) Arathi Higlands Refuge point
H Keena-(74,32) Arathi Higlands Hammerfall
A Lardan-(34,49) Ashenvale Astraanar
N Vendor tron 1000-(60,38) Descolace outside of hut south east of thunder axe fortress
H Jandia-(46,51) Thousand Needles Freewind Post
170 thick murlock armor
H Christoff Jeffcoat-(62,19) Hillsbrad Foothills Taren mill
A Micha Yance-(48,55) Hillsbrad Foothills Southshore
N Blixrez Goodstitch-(28,77) Stranglethorn Vale Booty Bay
185 gem studded leather belt
N Vendor-tron 1000-(60,38) Descolace outside of hut south east of thunder axe fortess
N Rikqiz-(28,76) Stranglethorn Vale Booty Bay
190 green whelp bracers
A Saenorion-(63,22) Darnassus Craftsmans terrece
H Josheph Moore-(70,58) Undercity south east quarter of map inner ring
H Jangdor Swiftstrider-(74,42) Ferelas Camp Mojache
N Vendor-tron 1000-(60,38) Descolace outside of hut south east of thunder axe fortess
A Pratt Mcgrubben-(30,42) Ferelas Feathermoon Stronghold
190 murloc scale bracers
A Helenia Olden-(66,51) Dustwallow Marsh Theremore island
N Blixrez Goodstitch-(28,77) Stranglethorn Vale Booty Bay
200 shadowskin gloves
N Rikqiz-(28,76) Stranglethorn Vale Booty Bay
205 turtle scale gloves
H Jangdor Swiftstrider-(74,42) Ferelas Camp Mojache
A Pratt Mcgrubben-(30,42) Ferelas Feathermoon Stronghold
210 nightscape shoulders
H Jangdor Swiftstrider-(74,42) Ferelas Camp Mojache
H Worb Strongstitch-(74,42) Ferelas Camp Mojache
A Nioma-(13,43) Hinterlands Arie Peak
255 heavy scorpid bracers
N Zannok Hidepiercer-(81,17) Sithilus by entrance to Ungo'ro Crater
260 wicked leather gauntlets
H Werg Thickblade-(83,69) Trisifal Glades South east corner of map by entrance to WPL
A Leonard Porter-(43,84) Western Plaguelands in camp at gryphon point south side of map
260 green dragonscale breastplate
N Masat T'andar-(26,31) Swamp of Sorrows North west corner of swamp NOT extreme corner of map
265 chimeric gloves
N Blimo Gadgetspring-(45,90) Azshara in hut at bottom of cliff south side of map path down starts at 45,88
270 ironfeather shoulders
N Gigget Zipcoil-(34,37) Hinterlands in mountians north east of qull danil lodge
270 living shoulders
H Jangdor Swiftstrider-(74,42) Ferelas Camp Mojache
A Pratt Mcgrubben-(30,42) Ferelas Feathermoon Stronghold
275 frostsaber boots
N Qia-(61,37) Winterspring Everlook
275 stormshroud pants
H Werg Thickblade-(83,69) Trisifal Glades South east corner of map by entrance to WPL
A Leonard Porter-(43,84) Western Plaguelands in camp at gryphon point south side of map
285 blue dragonscale breastplate
N Blimo Gadgetspring-(45,90) Azshara in hut at bottom of cliff south side of map path down starts at 45,88
290 runic leather headband
N Jase Farlane-(80,57) Eastern Plaguelands Lights hope chapel
290 devilsaur guantlets
N Nergal-(43,7) Un'goro Crater Camp in mountians in the north of the map
295 heavy scorpid helm
N Zannok Hidepiercer-(81,17) Sithilus by entrance to Ungo'ro Crater
55 blue linen vest
A Valdaron-(38,40) Darkshore Auberdine
A Tharyn Bouden-(41,67) Elwynn Forrest Goldshire
H Borya-(62,51) Orgrimar South side of the drag
H Wrahk-(52,31) Barrens Crossroads
70 red linen bag
A Valdaron-(38,40) Darkshore Auberdine
H Andrew Hilbert-(43,40) Silverpine Forrest Sepelcur
H Mahu-(43,44) Thunder Bluff Center rise on the auction house area
A Gina Macgreggor-(57,53) Westfall sentinal hill by mill
70 blue linen robe
A Elynna-(64,21) Darnassus Craftsmans terrace
A Drake Lindgren-(83,66) Elwynn Forest Eastvale logging camp
H Andrew Hilbert-(43,40) Silverpine Forrest Sepelcur
H Wrahk-(52,31) Barrens Crossroads
N Ranik-(61,38) Barrens ratchet
100 blue overalls
H Mallen Swain-(61,20) Hillsbrad Foothils Taren Mill
H Borya-(62,51) Orgrimar south end of the drag
A Alexandra Bolero-(43,74) Stormwind City south side of mage quarter
H Yonada-(44,59) Barrens west of camp turajo
A Gina Macgreggor-(57,53) Westfall sentinal hill by mill
115 red woolen bag
A Valdaron-(38,40) Darkshore Auberdine
N Zixil-(00,00) Hilsbrad Foothils paths back and forth between southshore and taren mill on road
A Rann Flamespinner-(36,45) Loch Modan Theselmar
H Borya-(62,51) Orgrimar south end of the drag
A Amy Davenport-(29,47) Redridge Mountians Lakeshire
H Kiknikle-(41,38) Barrens on west border of map directly west of the wailing caverns cave and lake
H Yonada-(44,59) Barrens west of camp turajo
H Wrahk-(52,31) Barrens Crossroads
H Mahu-(43,44) Thunder Bluff Center rise on the auction house area
H Millie Gregorian-(70,29) Undercity north west quarter inner ring
A Jennabink Powerseam-(8,55) Wetlands Menethil harbor
115 greater adept's robe
A Elynna-(64,21) Darnassus Craftsmans terrace
A Sheri Zipstitch-(75,45) Duskwood Darkshire
A Rann Flamespinner-(36,45) Loch Modan Theselmar
N Ranik-(61,38) Barrens ratchet
H Millie Gregorian-(70,29) Undercity north west quarter inner ring
A Jennabink Powerseam-(8,55) Wetlands Menethil harbor
135 bright yellow shirt
A Danielle Zipstitch-(75,45) Duskwood Darkshire
145 azure silk gloves
H Kireena-(51,53) Descolace Ghost Walker Post
N Wenna Silkbeard-(25,25) Wetlands in the house back off the shore on west side of map
155 dark silk shirt
N Super Seller 680-(40,79) Descolace at the road junction between shadowprey village and mannoroc coven
A Sheri Zipstitch-(75,45) Duskwood Darkshire
H Mallen Swain-(61,20) Hillsbrad Foothils Taren Mill
165 enchanters cowl
N Super Seller 680-(40,79) Descolace at the road junction between shadowprey village and mannoroc coven
N Xizk Goodstitch-(28-78) Stranglethorne Vale Booty bay
175 azure silk cloak
H Jun'ha-(72,36) Arathi Highlands Hammerfall
A Brienna Starglow-(88,45) Ferelas edge of border with thousand needles by alliance flight path
180 crimson silk cloak
N Super Seller 680-(40,79) Descolace at the road junction between shadowprey village and mannoroc coven
N Xizk Goodstitch-(28-78) Stranglethorne Vale Booty bay
200 black swashbuckler's shirt
N Nakk-(28,74) Stranglethorn Vale Booty Bay in building by entrance he also sells parrot non combat pets
200 icy cloak
A Micha Yance-(48,55) Hillsbrad Foothills Southshore
H Ghok'kah-(35,30) Dustwallow Marsh Brakenwall village
205 crimson silk robe
N Vizzklick-(51,27) Tanaris Gadgetzan
220 orange martial shirt
A Elynna-(64,21) Darnassus Craftsmans terrace
H Mahu-(43,44) Thunder Bluff Center rise on the auction house area
225 enchanted mageweave pouch
A Vaean-(58,14) Darnassus craftsmans terrace
A Tilli Thislefuzz-(60,44) Ironforge across form gryphon master
A Jessara Cordell-(43,64) Stormwind in the inn outside of mage quarter
H Kithas-(53,37) Orgrimar the drag north end
H Nata Dawnstrider-(45,38) Thunderbluff north center section
H Thaddeus Webb-(62,60) Undercity south side outer ring
N Kania-(51,39) Sithilus Cenarian hold
? Leo Sarn-(53,82) Silverpine Forrest hills south of road leading to hillsbrad
? Lilly-(43,50) Silverpine Forrest hills south of the sepelcher
230 lavender mageweave shirt
A Outfitter Eric-(43,29) Ironforge west side of great forge area inner ring
H Borya-(62,51) Orgrimar south end of the drag
235 pink mageweave shirt
A Outfitter Eric-(43,29) Ironforge west side of great forge area inner ring
H Borya-(62,51) Orgrimar south end of the drag
240 tuxedo shirt
A Outfitter Eric-(43,29) Ironforge west side of great forge area inner ring
H Millie Gregorian-(70,29) Undercity north west quarter inner ring
240 admirals hat
N Cowardly Crosby-(27,82) Stranglethorn Vale NOT in booty bay. in the bloodsail camp on south beach south of booty bay surrounded by hostile booty bay mobs
245 tuxedo pants
A Outfitter Eric-(43,29) Ironforge west side of great forge area inner ring
H Millie Gregorian-(70,29) Undercity north west quarter inner ring
245 mooncloth
N Evie Whirlbrew-(60,37) Winterspring Everlook
N Qia-(61,37) Winterspring Everlook
250 tuxedo jacket
A Outfitter Eric-(43,29) Ironforge west side of great forge area inner ring
H Millie Gregorian-(70,29) Undercity north west quarter inner ring
250 white wedding dress
A Alexandra Bolero-(43,74) Stormwind City south side of mage quarter
H Mahu-(43,44) Thunder Bluff Center rise on the auction house area
260 runecloth bag
N Qia-(61,37) Winterspring Everlook
260 soul pouch
N Vizzklick-(51,27) Tanaris Gadgetzan
260 runecloth robe
N Darnall-(51,33) Moonglade Nighthaven
265 runelcoth cloak
N Darnall-(51,33) Moonglade Nighthaven
275 enchanted runecloth bag
N Kania-(51,39) Sithilus Cenarian hold
275 enchanted mageweave bag
N Kania-(51,39) Sithilus Cenarian hold
275 fellcloth pants
N Lorelae Wintersong-(48,40) Moonglade Nighthaven south side of town
275 runecloth gloves
N Qia-(61,37) Winterspring Everlook
280 runecloth boots
[b]N Darnall-(51,33) Moonglade Nighthaven
300 mooncloth robe
N Shen'dralar provisioner-(??,??) Ferelas inside dire maul instance.
Enter the dungeon from feralas, go straight until you meet the PvP arena/pit. From there, go left, take that portal. From here you will need the crescent key for doors inside(or a rogue with 300 picking).
Continue in, kill big tree boss and take door behind him. When you enter The Prison Chamber(big blue swirling vortex imprisoning big ugly dog), take a quick right and take the first corrider you see. Inside you will find a library, and the vendor is right down the stairs.
1=buy this every time! someone out there wants it
2=buy this only if you have made money on it in the past and/or you know someone who wants it (risky buy, may not sell)
3=do not buy this unless you are filling out your own proffesion. too easy to get, does not resale well.
MAJOR CITIES (most of these have a 3 becauese anyone can get them, but, if it is a limited recipe it might be worthwhile to get and sell for a minor profit if you can.)
1 A (66,54) Soolie Berryfizz (1) free action potion (3) elixir of superior defense
3 A (56,17) Kaita Deepforge (3) hardened iron shortsword
2 A (60,44) Tilli Thislefuzz (3) enchant chest minor mana (3) minor mana oil (3) minor wizard oil (3) lesser wizard oil (2) enchanted mageweave pouch (3) enchant 2h weapon lesser intellect
1 A (67,42) Gearcutter Cogspinner (3) gnomish universal remote (1) blue firework (3) thorium grenade (3) thorium widget
2 A (43,29) Outfitter Eric (3) lavender mageweave shirt (3) pink mageweave shirt (2) tuxedo shirt (2) tuxedo pants (2) tuxedo jacket
Stormwind City
2 A (43,64) Jessara Cordell (3) enchant chest minor mana (3) minor mana oil (3) minor wizard oil (3) lesser wizard oil (2) enchanted mageweave pouch
1 A (29,67) Darian Singh (1) blue firework
2 A (43,74) Alexandra Bolero (3) blue overalls (2) white wedding dress
1 A (55,24) Ulthir (1) free action potion (3) great rage potion (3) superior mana potion
2 A (58,14) Vaean (3) enchant chest minor mana (3) minor mana oil (3) minor wizard oil (3) lesser wizard oil (2) enchanted mageweave pouch
2 A (60,17) Mythrin'dir (2) enchant bracer deflection (2) enchant shield greater stamina
2 A (63,22) Saenorion (3) barbaric bracers (2) green whelp bracers
3 A (64,21) Elynna (3) blue linen robe (3) orange martial shirt (3) adepts robe
3 H (46,46) Hagrus (3) rage potion (3) great rage potion
1 H (56,34) Kor'geld (1) free action potion (3) elixir of superior defense
3 H (82,23) Sumi (3) hardened iron shortsword
1 H (53,37) Kithas (3) enchant chest minor mana (3) minor mana oil (3) minor wizard oil (3) lesser wizard oil (2) enchanted mageweave pouch (1) enchant chest lesser mana (3) enchant 2h weapon lesser intellect
1 H (75,25) Sovic (1) red fireworks
3 H (62.51) Borya (3) blue linen vest (3) red wolen bag (3) blue overalls (3) lavender mageweave shirt (3) pink mageweave shirt
1 H (45,28) Nata Dawnstrider (3) enchant chest minor mana (3) minor mana oil (3) minor wizard oil (3) lesser wizard oil (2) enchanted mageweave pouch (3) enchant 2h weapon lesser intellect (1) enchant boots minor agility
3 H (43,44) Mahu (3) red linen bag (3) red wolen bag (3) orange martial shirt (3) white wedding dress
3 H (51,74) Algernon (3) elixir of shadowpower (3) superior mana potion
2 H (62,60) Thaddeus Webb (3) enchant chest minor mana (3) minor mana oil (3) minor wizard oil (3) lesser wizard oil (2) enchanted mageweave pouch
2 H (64,37) Daniel Bartlett (2) enchant bracer deflection (2) enchant shield greater stamina
2 H (70,58) Joseph Moore (3) barbaric bracers (2) green whelp bracers
3 H (70,29) Millie Gregorian (3) red woolen bag (3) greater adepts robe (2) tuxedo shirt (2) tuxedo pants (2) tuxedo jacket
2 A (50,67) Harklan Moongrove (2) shadow protection potion
2 A (35,52) Dalria (2) enchant cloak minor agility (3) enchant bracerlesser strength
1 N (18,59) Harlown Darkweave (1) herbalist gloves
3 A (34,49) Lardan (3) barbaric leggings
1 N (45,90) Jubie Gadgetspring (1) deepdive helmet (path down at 45,88)
1 N (45,90) Blimo Gadgetspring (1) blue dragonscale breastplate (1) chimeric gloves(path down at 45,88)
3 N (61,38) Ranik (3) rage potion (3) blue linen robe (3) greater adept's robe
3 H (51,30) Hula'Mahi (3) holy protection potion
2 N (62,36) Gagsprocket (2) green firework
2 N (??,??) Kalldan Fellmoon (2) deviate scale cloak (2) deviate scale gloves
3 H (52,31) Wrahk (3) blue linen vest (3) red wolen bag (3) blue linen robe
3 H (44,59) Yonada (3) blue overalls (3) red woolen bag
3 H (41,38) Kiknikle (3) red woolen bag
3 A (37,41) Mavralyn (3) murloc scale belt (3) murloc scale breastplate
3 A (38,40) Valdaron (3) blue linen vest (3) red linen bag (3) red wolen bag
1 N (60,38) Vendor-tron 1000 (1) free action potion (3) great rage potion (3) barbaric leggings (2) green whelp bracers (1) green leather armor (2) gem studded leather belt
3 H (55,56) Muuran (3) solid iron maul
1 N (40,79) Super-Seller 680 (1) ice deflector (3) dark silk shirt (2) crimson silk cloak (2) goblin jumper cables (1) ice deflector (1) accurate scope (1) enchanters cowl
2 H (51,53) Kireena (2) azure silk gloves
Dustwallow Marsh
3 A (66,51) Helenia Olden (3) murloc scale bracers
2 H (35,30) Ghok'kah (2) icy cloak
1 N (??,??) Shen'dralar Provisioner (in dire maul) (1) mooncloth robe
1 H (76,43) Bronk (1) nature protection potion (2) ghost dye
1 A (32,43) Logannas (1) nature protection potion (2) ghost dye
1 H (74,42) Jangdor Swiftstrider (2) green whelp bracers (1) nightscape shoulders (1) turtle scale gloves (2) living shoulders
2 A (30,42) Pratt Mcgrubben (2) green whelp bracers (1) turtle scale gloves (2) living shoulders
1 H (74,42) Worb Strongstitch (1) nightscape shoulders
2 A (88,45) Brienna Starglow (2) azure silk cloak
1 N (51,33) Darnall (1) runecloth boots (1) runecloth robe (1) runecloth cloak
1 N (48,40) Lorelae Wintersong (1) enchant cloak superior defense (1) runed arcanite rod (1) fellcloth pants
1 N (51,39) Kania (3) enchant chest minor mana (3) minor mana oil (3) minor wizard oil (3) lesser wizard oil (2) enchanted mageweave pouch (1) lesser mana oil (1) wizard oil (1) enchanted runecloth bag (1) enchanted mageweave bag
1 N (81,17) Zannok Hidepiercer (2) heavy scorpid bracers (1) heavy scorpid helm
Stonetallon Mountians
1 H (47,61) Jeeda (1) fire protection potion
2 H (45,59) Kulwia (2) enchant cloak minor agility (3) enchant bracerlesser strength
2 N (58,51) Veenix (2) goblin jumper cables
1 N (50,26) Alchemest Petzlezugg (1) nature protection potion (3) philosiphers stone (3) transmute iron to gold (3) transmute mithril to truesilver (1) transmute arcanite
2 N (51,28) Krinkle Goodsteel (2) golden scale coif
1 N (50,27) Blizrik Buckshot (1) e-z thro dynamite II
2 N (51,27) Vizklick (2) soul pouch (2) crimson silk robe
Thousand Needles
1 H (45,50) Montarr (1) shadow oil
3 N (77,77) Jinky Twizzlefixit (3) lovingly crafted boomstick (3) gnomish universal remote
3 H (46,51) Jandia (3) barbaric leggings
Ungoro Crater
1 N (43,7) Nergal (1) devilsaur guantlets
1 N (60,37) Evie Whirlbrew (3) major healing potion (1) make mooncloth
1 N (61,37) Qia (1) enchant chest major health (1) runecloth bag (1) runecloth gloves (1) make mooncloth / (2) frostsaber boots
1 N (60,38) Xizzer Fizzbolt (1) gyrofreeze ice reflector (1) masterwork target dummy (3) powerful seaforium charge (2) thorium tube (2) delicate arcanite converter
Alterac Mountians
1 A (38,38) Bro'kin (1) frost oil
1 N (47,35) Rizz Loosebolt (1) ice deflector
Arathi Highlands
2 A (46,47) Drovnar Strongbrew (2) frost protection potion
3 A (45,47) Jannos Ironwill (3) solid iron maul
3 H (74,32) Keena (3) enchant bracer lesser deflection (3) barbaric leggings
3 A (46,47) Hammon Karwin (3) barbaric leggings
2 H (72,36) Jun'ha (2) azure silk cloak
3 N (42,52) Jazzrik (3) solid iron maul
Blasted Lands
Burning Stepps
Deadwind Pass
Dun Morogh
2 N (81,19) Kzixx (3) holy protection potion (2) goblin jumper cables
1 N (18,54) Bliztik (1) shadow oil
3 A (75,45) Sheri Zipstitch (3) greater adepts robe (3) dark silk shirt
2 A (75,45) Danielle Zipstitch (2) bright yellow shirt
Eastern Plaguelands
1 N (80,57) Jase Farlane (1) runic leather headband
Elwynn Forest
3 A (41,67) Taryn Bouden (3) blue linen vest
3 A (83,66) Drake Lindgren (3) blue linen robe
Hillsbrad Foothils
2 H (62,19) Christoff Jeffcoat (2) shadow protection potion (3) thick murloc armor
1 A (50,57) Nandar Branson (1) fire protection potion
1 N (00,00) Zixil (1) enchant boots minor agility (3) red woolen bag (2) goblin jumper cables (3) earthen leather shoulders
2 A (48,55) Micha Yance (3) enchant bracer lesser deflection (3) thick murloc armor / (2) icy cloak
1 N (84,18) Zan Shivspocket (1) gnomish cloaking device
1 N (34,37) Ruppo Zipcoil (1) mithril mechanical dragonling
1 N (34,38) Gigget Zipcoil (1) ironfeather shoulders
1 H (91,38) George Candarte (1) green leather armor
3 H (61,20) Mallen Swain (3) blue overalls (3) dark silk shirt
2 A (13,44) Harggan (2) mithril scale bracers
1 A (13,43) Nioma (1) nightscape shoulders
Loch Modan
3 A (82,63) Xandar Goodbeard (3) rage potion (3) holy protection potion
3 A (34,45) Rann Flamespinner (3) red wolen bag (3) greater adepts robe
Redridge Mountians
1 A (88,70) Clyde Ranthal (1) black whelp cloak
1 A (29,47) Amy Davenport (1) black whelp tunic (3) red wolen bag
Searing Gorge
Silverpine Forrest
2 ? (53,82) Leo Sarn (3) enchant chest minor mana (3) minor mana oil (3) minor wizard oil (3) lesser wizard oil (2) enchanted mageweave pouch (3) enchant 2h weapon lesser intellect
1 ? (43,50) Lilly (3) enchant chest minor mana (3) minor mana oil (3) minor wizard oil (3) lesser wizard oil (2) enchanted mageweave pouch (1) enchant chest lesser mana
3 H (43,40) Andrew Hilbert (3) murloc scale belt (3) murloc scale breastplate (3) red linen bag (3) blue linen robe
Stranglethorn Vale
1 N (28,78) Glyx Brewright (2) frost protection potion (1) nature protection potion
3 N (27,77) Jutak (3) hardened iron shortwsword
3 N (35,10) Jaqulina Dramet (3) massive iron axe
3 H (23,27) Vharr (3) massive iron axe
2 N (28,76) Crazk Sparks (2) green fireworks
1 N (28,75) Mazk Snipeshot (1) accurate scope (1) truesilver transformer
1 N (50,35) Gnaz Blunderflame (1) mechanical dragonling
1 N (51,35) Knaz Blunderflame (1) deadly scope
3 N (28,77) Blixrez Goodstitch (3) thick murloc armor (3) murloc scale bracers
1 N (28,76) Rikqiz (2) gem studded leather belt (1) shadowskin gloves
2 N (28,74) Xizk Goodstitch (2) crimson silk cloak (2) enchanters cowl
1 N (28,74) Narkk (1) black swashbucklers shirt
1 N (27,82) Cowardly Crosby (1) admirals hat
Swamp of Sorrows
2 H (45,51) Gharash (2) mithril scale bracers
2 H (44,56) Banalash (2) enchant bracer deflection
1 N (26,31) Masat T'andar (1) green dragonscale breastplate
Trisifall Glades
1 H (83,69) Werg Thickblade (2) wicked leather gauntlets (1) stormshroud pants
Western Plaguelands
1 A (43,84) Leonard Porter (2) wicked leather gauntlets (1) stormshroud pants
3 N (43,46) Defias Profiteer (3) rage potion
3 A (57,53) Gina Macgreggor (3) murloc scale belt (3) murloc scale breastplate (3) red linen bag (3) blue overalls
3 N (26,25) Fradd Swiftgear (3) lovingly crafted boomstick (3) minor recombobulator
2 N (25,25) Wenna Silkbeard (2) red whelp gloves (2) azure silk gloves (1) green leather armor
3 A (8,55) Jennabink Powerseam (3) red woolen bag (3) greater adepts robe
post 1:
First Aid
post 2:
post 3:
all the above information but organized by zone and not profession
to see every item from every profession look to Alumriel's profession PDFs:
First Aid
125 Expert first aid-under wraps
A Deneb Walker-(27,58) Arathi Highlands in stormgarde keep. go in front, under bridge, circle around to the right, now take the bridge over to other side, vendor is on the right in hanging vines area.
H Balai Lok'Wein-(36,30) Dustwallow Marsh Brakenwall Village
H Ghok'Kah-(35,30) Dustwallow Marsh Brakenwall Village
180 Manual: Heavy Silk Bandage
A Deneb Walker-(27,58) Arathi Highlands in stormgarde keep. go in front, under bridge, circle around to the right, now take the bridge over to other side, vendor is on the right in hanging vines area.
H Balai Lok'Wein-(36,30) Dustwallow Marsh Brakenwall Village
H Ghok'Kah-(35,30) Dustwallow Marsh Brakenwall Village
210 Manual: Mageweave Bandage
A Deneb Walker-(27,58) Arathi Highlands in stormgarde keep. go in front, under bridge, circle around to the right, now take the bridge over to other side, vendor is on the right in hanging vines area.
H Balai Lok'Wein-(36,30) Dustwallow Marsh Brakenwall Village
H Ghok'Kah-(35,30) Dustwallow Marsh Brakenwall Village
60 rage potion
N Defias Profiteer-(43,66) Westfall in moonglade second story of the building across from the deadmines entrance
H Hagrus-(46,46) Orgrimar by ragefire instance
A Xandar Goodbeard-(82,63) Loch Modan east side of map in -------- compound
N Ranik-(61,38) Barrens ratchet
100 holy protection potion
N Kzixx-(81,19) Duskwood north road to redrige side of road
A Xandar Goodbeard-(82,63) Loch Modan east side of map in -------- compound
N Hula'Mahi-(51,30) Barrens crossroads
135 shadow protection potion
A Harklan Moongrove-(50,67) Ashenvale north side of southern lake in building
H Christoff Jeffcoat-(62,19) Hillsbrad Foothils Taren mill
150 free action potion
A Ulthir-(55,24) Darnassus alchemy vendor craftsmens terris
N Vendor-tron 1000-(60,38) Descolace south east of thunder axe fortess
A Soolie Berryfizz-(66,54) Ironforge alchemy vendor gnome area
H Kor'geld-(56,34) Orgrimar the drag north side
165 fire protection potion
A Nandar Branson-(50,57) Southshore
H Jeeda-(47,61) Sun Rock Retreat second floor of the inn
165 shadow oil
N Bliztik-(18,54) Duskwood Raven Hill Cemetary he is upstairs in the house close to Jitters
H Montarr-(45,50) Thousand Needles Freewind Post
175 great rage potion
A Ulthir-(55,24) Darnassus alchemy vendor craftsmens terris
N Vendor-tron-1000-(60,38) Descolace south east of thunder axe fortess
H Hagrus-(46,46) Orgrimar by ragefire instance
190 frost protection potion
A Drovnar Strongbrew-(46,47) Arathi Highlands refuge point
N Glyx Brewright-(28,78) Stranglethorn Vale booty bay in store called Boucher's Cauldron
190 nature protection potion
H Bronk-(76,43) Feralas Camp mojache
A Logannas-(32,43) Ferelas Feathermoon Stronghold
N Glyx Brewright-(28,78) Stranglethorn Vale booty bay in store called Boucher's Cauldron
N Alchemist Petzlezugg-(50,26) Tanaris Gadgetzan
200 frost oil
N Bro'kin-(38,38) Alterac Mountians elite ogre area on top of back wall of compound
225 philosopher's stone
N Alchemist Petzlezugg-(50,26) Tanaris Gadgetzan
225 transmute:iron to gold
N Alchemist Petzlezugg-(50,26) Tanaris Gadgetzan
225 transmute:mithril to truesilver
N Alchemist Petzlezugg-(50,26) Tanaris Gadgetzan
245 ghost dye
H Bronk-(76,43) Feralas Camp mojache
A Logannas-(32,43) Ferelas Feathermoon Stronghold
250 elixir of demonslaying
A Nina Lightbrew-(66,18) Blasted Lands Netherguard Keep on the top floor of the tower
N Rartar-(45,57) Swamp of SorrowsStonard on the top floor of the inn
250 elixir of shadowpower
A Maria Lumere-(46,78) Stormwind Mage quarter alchemy supply store
H Algernon-(51,74) Undercity Apothacarium sw corner
260 superior mana potion
H Algernon-(51,74) Undercity Apothacarium sw corner
A Ulthir-(55,24) Darnassus alchemy vendor craftsmens terris
265 elixir of superior defense
A Soolie Berryfizz-(66,54) Ironforge alchemy vendor gnome area
H Kor'geld-(56,34) Orgrimar the drag north side
275 transmute: arcanite
N Alchemist Petzlezugg-(50,26) Tanaris Gadgetzan
275 major healing potion
N Evie Whirlbrew-(60,37) Winterspring Everlook
155 solid iron maul
A Jannos Ironwill-(45,47) Arathi Higlands Refuge point
N Jazzrik-(42,52) Badlands Middle of map
H Muuran-(55,56) Descolace Ghost walker post
160 hardened iron shortsword
N Jutak-(27,77) Stranglethorn Vale Booty Bay by hanging shark by inn
H Sumi-(82,23) Orgrimar Valley of honor nw corner
A Kaita Deepforge-(56,17) Stormwind Dwarven district by forge
185 massive iron axe
N Jaquilina Dramet-(35,10) Stranglethorn Vale Nessingwary camp
H Vharr-(32,27) Stranglethorn Vale Grom goll base camp
190 golden scale coif
N Krinkle Goodsteel-(51,28) Tanaris Gadgetzan
215 mithril scale bracers
H Gharash-(45,51) Swamp of Sorrows Stonard
A Harggan-(13,44) Hinterlands Arie peak
20 enchant chest minor mana
A Vaean-(58,14) Darnassus craftsmans terrace
A Tilli Thislefuzz-(60,44) Ironforge across form gryphon master
A Jessara Cordell-(43,64) Stormwind in the inn outside of mage quarter
H Kithas-(53,37) Orgrimar the drag north end
H Nata Dawnstrider-(45,38) Thunderbluff north center section
H Thaddeus Webb-(62,60) Undercity south side outer ring
N Kania-(51,39) Sithilus Cenarian hold
? Leo Sarn-(53,82) Silverpine Forrest hills south of road leading to hillsbrad
? Lilly-(43,50) Silverpine Forrest hills south of the sepelcher
45 minor wizard oil
A Vaean-(58,14) Darnassus craftsmans terrace
A Tilli Thislefuzz-(60,44) Ironforge across form gryphon master
A Jessara Cordell-(43,64) Stormwind in the inn outside of mage quarter
H Kithas-(53,37) Orgrimar the drag north end
H Nata Dawnstrider-(45,38) Thunderbluff north center section
H Thaddeus Webb-(62,60) Undercity south side outer ring
N Kania-(51,39) Sithilus Cenarian hold
? Leo Sarn-(53,82) Silverpine Forrest hills south of road leading to hillsbrad
? Lilly-(43,50) Silverpine Forrest hills south of the sepelcher
80 enchant chest lesser mana (horde only)
H Kithas-(53,37) Orgrimar the drag north end
? Lilly-(43,50) Silverpine Forrest hills south of the sepelcher
100 enchant 2h weapon lesser intellect
A Tilli Thislefuzz-(60,44) Ironforge across form gryphon master
H Kithas-(53,37) Orgrimar the drag north end
? Leo Sarn-(53,82) Silverpine Forrest hills south of road leading to hillsbrad
H Nata Dawnstrider-(45,38) Thunderbluff north center section
110 enchant cloak minor agility
A Dalria-(35,52) Ashenvale Astranaar
H Kulwia-(45,59) Stonetalon Mountians Skull rock retreat
125 enchant boots minor agility
N Zixil-(00,00) Hilsbrad Foothils paths back and forth between southshore and taren mill on road
H Nata Dawnstrider-(45,38) Thunderbluff north center section
140 enchant bracer lesser strength
A Dalria-(35,52) Ashenvale Astranaar
H Kulwia-(45,59) Stonetalon Mountians Skull rock retreat
150 minor mana oil
A Vaean-(58,14) Darnassus craftsmans terrace
A Tilli Thislefuzz-(60,44) Ironforge across form gryphon master
A Jessara Cordell-(43,64) Stormwind in the inn outside of mage quarter
H Kithas-(53,37) Orgrimar the drag north end
H Nata Dawnstrider-(45,38) Thunderbluff north center section
H Thaddeus Webb-(62,60) Undercity south side outer ring
N Kania-(51,39) Sithilus Cenarian hold
? Leo Sarn-(53,82) Silverpine Forrest hills south of road leading to hillsbrad
? Lilly-(43,50) Silverpine Forrest hills south of the sepelcher
170 enchant bracer lesser deflection
H Keena-(74,32) Arathi Highlands Hammerfall
A Micha Yance-(48,55) Hillsbrad Foothils Southshore
200 lesser wizard oil
A Vaean-(58,14) Darnassus craftsmans terrace
A Tilli Thislefuzz-(60,44) Ironforge across form gryphon master
A Jessara Cordell-(43,64) Stormwind in the inn outside of mage quarter
H Kithas-(53,37) Orgrimar the drag north end
H Nata Dawnstrider-(45,38) Thunderbluff north center section
H Thaddeus Webb-(62,60) Undercity south side outer ring
N Kania-(51,39) Sithilus Cenarian hold
? Leo Sarn-(53,82) Silverpine Forrest hills south of road leading to hillsbrad
? Lilly-(43,50) Silverpine Forrest hills south of the sepelcher
235 enchant bracer deflection
A Mythrin'dir-(60,17) Darnassus Crafters terrace
H Banalash-(44,56) Swamp of Sorrows Stonard
250 lesser mana oil
N Kania-(51,39) Sithilus Cenarian hold
265 enchant shield greater stamina
A Mythrin'dir-(60,17) Darnassus Crafters terrace
H Daniel Bartlett-(64,37) Undercity inner ring
275 enchant chest major health
N Qia-(61,37) Winterspring Everlook
275 wizard oil
N Kania-(51,39) Sithilus Cenarian hold
285 enchant cloak superior defense
N Lorelae Wintersong-(48,40) Moonglade Nighthaven south side of town
290 runed arcanite rod
N Lorelae Wintersong-(48,40) Moonglade Nighthaven south side of town
120 lovingly crafted boomstick
N Jinky Twizzlefixxit-(77,77) Thousand Needles Shimering flats racetrack
N Fradd Swiftgear-(26,25) Wetlands outside a house nw of map back off the shore
125 gnomish universal remote
N Jinky Twizzlefixxit-(77,77) Thousand Needles Shimering flats racetrack
A Gearcutter Cogspinner-(67,42) Ironforge Tinker town
140 minor recombobulator
A Fradd Swiftgear-(26,25) Wetlands outside a house nw of map back off the shore
Also in gnomeron either an npc or a machine that you need a key from a mob drop
150 blue firework (alliance only)
A Darian Singh-(29,67) Stormwind shop in the canals west side of city north of mage quarter
A Gearcutter Cogspinner-(67,42) Ironforge Tinker town
150 green firework
N Crazk Sparks-(28,76) Stranglethorn Vale Booty bay shop around back by hanging shark and transporter
N Gagsprocket-(62,36) Barrens Ratchet
150 red firework (horde only)
H Sovic-(75,25) Orgrimar Valley of strength
155 ice deflector
N Rizz Loosebolt-(47,35) Alterac Mountians gnome in cage in ogre area outside the northmost cave
N Super Seller 680-(40,79) Descolace at the road junction between shadowprey village and mannoroc coven
165 goblin jumper cables
N Super Seller 680-(40,79) Descolace at the road junction between shadowprey village and mannoroc coven
N Kzixx-(81,19) Duskwood north road to redrige side of road
N Zixil-(00,00) Hilsbrad Foothils paths back and forth between southshore and taren mill on road
N Veenix-(58,51) Stonetalon Mountians on cliff east of road on west side of windshear crag
180 accurate scope
N Super Seller 680-(40,79) Descolace at the road junction between shadowprey village and mannoroc coven
N Mazk Snipeshot-(28,75) Stranglethorn Vale Booty Bay
200 e-z thro dynamite II
N Blizrik Buckshot-(50,27) Tanaris Gadgetzan weapons dealer in hut on west side of town
200 gnomish cloaking device
N Zan Shivsprocket-(84,18) Hillsbrad Foothills in hills west of back path up to arathi
200 mechanical dragonling
N Gnaz Blunderflame-(50,35) Stranglethorn Vale Up in mountians on east border little south of ogre cave go up ridge at 49,38 then follow it north
210 deadly scope
N Knaz Blunderflame-(51,35) Stranglethorn Vale in mountians on east border of map south of the ogre camp go up ridge at 49,38 then follow it north
230 deepdive helmet
N Jubie Gadgetspring-(45,90) Azshara in hut at bottom of cliff south side of map path down starts at 45,88
250 mithril mechanical dragonling
N Ruppo Zipcoil-(34,37) Hinterlands in mountians north east of qull danil lodge
260 thorium widget
A Gearcutter Cogspinner-(67,42) Ironforge Tinker town
H Sovic-(75,25) Orgrimar Valley of strength
260 thorium grenade
A Gearcutter Cogspinner-(67,42) Ironforge Tinker town
H Sovic-(75,25) Orgrimar Valley of strength
260 truesilver transformer
N Mazk Snipeshot-(28,75) Stranglethorn Vale Booty Bay
260 gyrofreeze ice reflector
N Xizzer Fizzbolt-(60,38) Winterspring Everlook
275 masterwork target dummy
N Xizzer Fizzbolt-(60,38) Winterspring Everlook
275 powerful seaforium charge
N Xizzer Fizzbolt-(60,38) Winterspring Everlook
275 thorium tube
N Xizzer Fizzbolt-(60,38) Winterspring Everlook
285 delicate arcanite converter
N Xizzer Fizzbolt-(60,38) Winterspring Everlook
90 deviate scale cloak
N Kalldan Fellmoon-(??,??) Barrens in cave above cave entrance to Wailing Caverns instance must go around back and up top to drop down (can also get a quest for WC which gives you another patern if completed)
90 murlock scale belt
A Mavralyn-(37,41) Darkshore auberdine docks
H Andrew Hilbert-(43,40) Silverpine Forrest Sepelchur
A Gina Macgreggor-(57,53) Westfall sentinal hill by mill
95 murlock scale breastplate
A Mavralyn-(37,41) Darkshore auberdine docks
H Andrew Hilbert-(43,40) Silverpine Forrest Sepelcur
A Gina Macgreggor-(57,53) Westfall sentinal hill by mill
100 black whelp cloak
A Clyde Ranthal-(88,70) Redridge Mountians In mountians in the south east corner of map
100 black whelp tunic
A Amy Davenport-(29,47) Redridge Mountians Lakeshire
105 deviate scale gloves
N Kalldan Fellmoon-(??,??) Barrens in cave above cave entrance to Wailing Caverns instance must go around back and up top to drop down (can also get a quest for WC which gives you another patern if completed)
120 red whelp gloves
N Wenna Silkbeard-(25,25) Wetlands in the house back off the shore on west side of map
135 earthen leather shoulders
N Zixil-(00,00) Hilsbrad Foothils paths back and forth between southshore and taren mill on road
135 herbalist gloves
N Harlown Darkweave-(18,59) Ashenvale in mountians in south west corner of map
155 green leather armor
N Vendor tron 1000-(60,38) Descolace outside of hut south east of thunder axe fortress
H George Candarte-(91,38) Hillsbrad Foothills north east corner of map where the wall meets the mountians
N Wenna Silkbeard-(25,25) Wetlands in the house back off the shore on west side of map
155 barbaric bracers
A Saenorion-(63,22) Darnassus Craftsmans terrece
H Josheph Moore-(70,58) Undercity s[outh east quarter of map inner ring
170 barbaric leggings
A Hammon Karwin-(46,47) Arathi Higlands Refuge point
H Keena-(74,32) Arathi Higlands Hammerfall
A Lardan-(34,49) Ashenvale Astraanar
N Vendor tron 1000-(60,38) Descolace outside of hut south east of thunder axe fortress
H Jandia-(46,51) Thousand Needles Freewind Post
170 thick murlock armor
H Christoff Jeffcoat-(62,19) Hillsbrad Foothills Taren mill
A Micha Yance-(48,55) Hillsbrad Foothills Southshore
N Blixrez Goodstitch-(28,77) Stranglethorn Vale Booty Bay
185 gem studded leather belt
N Vendor-tron 1000-(60,38) Descolace outside of hut south east of thunder axe fortess
N Rikqiz-(28,76) Stranglethorn Vale Booty Bay
190 green whelp bracers
A Saenorion-(63,22) Darnassus Craftsmans terrece
H Josheph Moore-(70,58) Undercity south east quarter of map inner ring
H Jangdor Swiftstrider-(74,42) Ferelas Camp Mojache
N Vendor-tron 1000-(60,38) Descolace outside of hut south east of thunder axe fortess
A Pratt Mcgrubben-(30,42) Ferelas Feathermoon Stronghold
190 murloc scale bracers
A Helenia Olden-(66,51) Dustwallow Marsh Theremore island
N Blixrez Goodstitch-(28,77) Stranglethorn Vale Booty Bay
200 shadowskin gloves
N Rikqiz-(28,76) Stranglethorn Vale Booty Bay
205 turtle scale gloves
H Jangdor Swiftstrider-(74,42) Ferelas Camp Mojache
A Pratt Mcgrubben-(30,42) Ferelas Feathermoon Stronghold
210 nightscape shoulders
H Jangdor Swiftstrider-(74,42) Ferelas Camp Mojache
H Worb Strongstitch-(74,42) Ferelas Camp Mojache
A Nioma-(13,43) Hinterlands Arie Peak
255 heavy scorpid bracers
N Zannok Hidepiercer-(81,17) Sithilus by entrance to Ungo'ro Crater
260 wicked leather gauntlets
H Werg Thickblade-(83,69) Trisifal Glades South east corner of map by entrance to WPL
A Leonard Porter-(43,84) Western Plaguelands in camp at gryphon point south side of map
260 green dragonscale breastplate
N Masat T'andar-(26,31) Swamp of Sorrows North west corner of swamp NOT extreme corner of map
265 chimeric gloves
N Blimo Gadgetspring-(45,90) Azshara in hut at bottom of cliff south side of map path down starts at 45,88
270 ironfeather shoulders
N Gigget Zipcoil-(34,37) Hinterlands in mountians north east of qull danil lodge
270 living shoulders
H Jangdor Swiftstrider-(74,42) Ferelas Camp Mojache
A Pratt Mcgrubben-(30,42) Ferelas Feathermoon Stronghold
275 frostsaber boots
N Qia-(61,37) Winterspring Everlook
275 stormshroud pants
H Werg Thickblade-(83,69) Trisifal Glades South east corner of map by entrance to WPL
A Leonard Porter-(43,84) Western Plaguelands in camp at gryphon point south side of map
285 blue dragonscale breastplate
N Blimo Gadgetspring-(45,90) Azshara in hut at bottom of cliff south side of map path down starts at 45,88
290 runic leather headband
N Jase Farlane-(80,57) Eastern Plaguelands Lights hope chapel
290 devilsaur guantlets
N Nergal-(43,7) Un'goro Crater Camp in mountians in the north of the map
295 heavy scorpid helm
N Zannok Hidepiercer-(81,17) Sithilus by entrance to Ungo'ro Crater
55 blue linen vest
A Valdaron-(38,40) Darkshore Auberdine
A Tharyn Bouden-(41,67) Elwynn Forrest Goldshire
H Borya-(62,51) Orgrimar South side of the drag
H Wrahk-(52,31) Barrens Crossroads
70 red linen bag
A Valdaron-(38,40) Darkshore Auberdine
H Andrew Hilbert-(43,40) Silverpine Forrest Sepelcur
H Mahu-(43,44) Thunder Bluff Center rise on the auction house area
A Gina Macgreggor-(57,53) Westfall sentinal hill by mill
70 blue linen robe
A Elynna-(64,21) Darnassus Craftsmans terrace
A Drake Lindgren-(83,66) Elwynn Forest Eastvale logging camp
H Andrew Hilbert-(43,40) Silverpine Forrest Sepelcur
H Wrahk-(52,31) Barrens Crossroads
N Ranik-(61,38) Barrens ratchet
100 blue overalls
H Mallen Swain-(61,20) Hillsbrad Foothils Taren Mill
H Borya-(62,51) Orgrimar south end of the drag
A Alexandra Bolero-(43,74) Stormwind City south side of mage quarter
H Yonada-(44,59) Barrens west of camp turajo
A Gina Macgreggor-(57,53) Westfall sentinal hill by mill
115 red woolen bag
A Valdaron-(38,40) Darkshore Auberdine
N Zixil-(00,00) Hilsbrad Foothils paths back and forth between southshore and taren mill on road
A Rann Flamespinner-(36,45) Loch Modan Theselmar
H Borya-(62,51) Orgrimar south end of the drag
A Amy Davenport-(29,47) Redridge Mountians Lakeshire
H Kiknikle-(41,38) Barrens on west border of map directly west of the wailing caverns cave and lake
H Yonada-(44,59) Barrens west of camp turajo
H Wrahk-(52,31) Barrens Crossroads
H Mahu-(43,44) Thunder Bluff Center rise on the auction house area
H Millie Gregorian-(70,29) Undercity north west quarter inner ring
A Jennabink Powerseam-(8,55) Wetlands Menethil harbor
115 greater adept's robe
A Elynna-(64,21) Darnassus Craftsmans terrace
A Sheri Zipstitch-(75,45) Duskwood Darkshire
A Rann Flamespinner-(36,45) Loch Modan Theselmar
N Ranik-(61,38) Barrens ratchet
H Millie Gregorian-(70,29) Undercity north west quarter inner ring
A Jennabink Powerseam-(8,55) Wetlands Menethil harbor
135 bright yellow shirt
A Danielle Zipstitch-(75,45) Duskwood Darkshire
145 azure silk gloves
H Kireena-(51,53) Descolace Ghost Walker Post
N Wenna Silkbeard-(25,25) Wetlands in the house back off the shore on west side of map
155 dark silk shirt
N Super Seller 680-(40,79) Descolace at the road junction between shadowprey village and mannoroc coven
A Sheri Zipstitch-(75,45) Duskwood Darkshire
H Mallen Swain-(61,20) Hillsbrad Foothils Taren Mill
165 enchanters cowl
N Super Seller 680-(40,79) Descolace at the road junction between shadowprey village and mannoroc coven
N Xizk Goodstitch-(28-78) Stranglethorne Vale Booty bay
175 azure silk cloak
H Jun'ha-(72,36) Arathi Highlands Hammerfall
A Brienna Starglow-(88,45) Ferelas edge of border with thousand needles by alliance flight path
180 crimson silk cloak
N Super Seller 680-(40,79) Descolace at the road junction between shadowprey village and mannoroc coven
N Xizk Goodstitch-(28-78) Stranglethorne Vale Booty bay
200 black swashbuckler's shirt
N Nakk-(28,74) Stranglethorn Vale Booty Bay in building by entrance he also sells parrot non combat pets
200 icy cloak
A Micha Yance-(48,55) Hillsbrad Foothills Southshore
H Ghok'kah-(35,30) Dustwallow Marsh Brakenwall village
205 crimson silk robe
N Vizzklick-(51,27) Tanaris Gadgetzan
220 orange martial shirt
A Elynna-(64,21) Darnassus Craftsmans terrace
H Mahu-(43,44) Thunder Bluff Center rise on the auction house area
225 enchanted mageweave pouch
A Vaean-(58,14) Darnassus craftsmans terrace
A Tilli Thislefuzz-(60,44) Ironforge across form gryphon master
A Jessara Cordell-(43,64) Stormwind in the inn outside of mage quarter
H Kithas-(53,37) Orgrimar the drag north end
H Nata Dawnstrider-(45,38) Thunderbluff north center section
H Thaddeus Webb-(62,60) Undercity south side outer ring
N Kania-(51,39) Sithilus Cenarian hold
? Leo Sarn-(53,82) Silverpine Forrest hills south of road leading to hillsbrad
? Lilly-(43,50) Silverpine Forrest hills south of the sepelcher
230 lavender mageweave shirt
A Outfitter Eric-(43,29) Ironforge west side of great forge area inner ring
H Borya-(62,51) Orgrimar south end of the drag
235 pink mageweave shirt
A Outfitter Eric-(43,29) Ironforge west side of great forge area inner ring
H Borya-(62,51) Orgrimar south end of the drag
240 tuxedo shirt
A Outfitter Eric-(43,29) Ironforge west side of great forge area inner ring
H Millie Gregorian-(70,29) Undercity north west quarter inner ring
240 admirals hat
N Cowardly Crosby-(27,82) Stranglethorn Vale NOT in booty bay. in the bloodsail camp on south beach south of booty bay surrounded by hostile booty bay mobs
245 tuxedo pants
A Outfitter Eric-(43,29) Ironforge west side of great forge area inner ring
H Millie Gregorian-(70,29) Undercity north west quarter inner ring
245 mooncloth
N Evie Whirlbrew-(60,37) Winterspring Everlook
N Qia-(61,37) Winterspring Everlook
250 tuxedo jacket
A Outfitter Eric-(43,29) Ironforge west side of great forge area inner ring
H Millie Gregorian-(70,29) Undercity north west quarter inner ring
250 white wedding dress
A Alexandra Bolero-(43,74) Stormwind City south side of mage quarter
H Mahu-(43,44) Thunder Bluff Center rise on the auction house area
260 runecloth bag
N Qia-(61,37) Winterspring Everlook
260 soul pouch
N Vizzklick-(51,27) Tanaris Gadgetzan
260 runecloth robe
N Darnall-(51,33) Moonglade Nighthaven
265 runelcoth cloak
N Darnall-(51,33) Moonglade Nighthaven
275 enchanted runecloth bag
N Kania-(51,39) Sithilus Cenarian hold
275 enchanted mageweave bag
N Kania-(51,39) Sithilus Cenarian hold
275 fellcloth pants
N Lorelae Wintersong-(48,40) Moonglade Nighthaven south side of town
275 runecloth gloves
N Qia-(61,37) Winterspring Everlook
280 runecloth boots
[b]N Darnall-(51,33) Moonglade Nighthaven
300 mooncloth robe
N Shen'dralar provisioner-(??,??) Ferelas inside dire maul instance.
Enter the dungeon from feralas, go straight until you meet the PvP arena/pit. From there, go left, take that portal. From here you will need the crescent key for doors inside(or a rogue with 300 picking).
Continue in, kill big tree boss and take door behind him. When you enter The Prison Chamber(big blue swirling vortex imprisoning big ugly dog), take a quick right and take the first corrider you see. Inside you will find a library, and the vendor is right down the stairs.
1=buy this every time! someone out there wants it
2=buy this only if you have made money on it in the past and/or you know someone who wants it (risky buy, may not sell)
3=do not buy this unless you are filling out your own proffesion. too easy to get, does not resale well.
MAJOR CITIES (most of these have a 3 becauese anyone can get them, but, if it is a limited recipe it might be worthwhile to get and sell for a minor profit if you can.)
1 A (66,54) Soolie Berryfizz (1) free action potion (3) elixir of superior defense
3 A (56,17) Kaita Deepforge (3) hardened iron shortsword
2 A (60,44) Tilli Thislefuzz (3) enchant chest minor mana (3) minor mana oil (3) minor wizard oil (3) lesser wizard oil (2) enchanted mageweave pouch (3) enchant 2h weapon lesser intellect
1 A (67,42) Gearcutter Cogspinner (3) gnomish universal remote (1) blue firework (3) thorium grenade (3) thorium widget
2 A (43,29) Outfitter Eric (3) lavender mageweave shirt (3) pink mageweave shirt (2) tuxedo shirt (2) tuxedo pants (2) tuxedo jacket
Stormwind City
2 A (43,64) Jessara Cordell (3) enchant chest minor mana (3) minor mana oil (3) minor wizard oil (3) lesser wizard oil (2) enchanted mageweave pouch
1 A (29,67) Darian Singh (1) blue firework
2 A (43,74) Alexandra Bolero (3) blue overalls (2) white wedding dress
1 A (55,24) Ulthir (1) free action potion (3) great rage potion (3) superior mana potion
2 A (58,14) Vaean (3) enchant chest minor mana (3) minor mana oil (3) minor wizard oil (3) lesser wizard oil (2) enchanted mageweave pouch
2 A (60,17) Mythrin'dir (2) enchant bracer deflection (2) enchant shield greater stamina
2 A (63,22) Saenorion (3) barbaric bracers (2) green whelp bracers
3 A (64,21) Elynna (3) blue linen robe (3) orange martial shirt (3) adepts robe
3 H (46,46) Hagrus (3) rage potion (3) great rage potion
1 H (56,34) Kor'geld (1) free action potion (3) elixir of superior defense
3 H (82,23) Sumi (3) hardened iron shortsword
1 H (53,37) Kithas (3) enchant chest minor mana (3) minor mana oil (3) minor wizard oil (3) lesser wizard oil (2) enchanted mageweave pouch (1) enchant chest lesser mana (3) enchant 2h weapon lesser intellect
1 H (75,25) Sovic (1) red fireworks
3 H (62.51) Borya (3) blue linen vest (3) red wolen bag (3) blue overalls (3) lavender mageweave shirt (3) pink mageweave shirt
1 H (45,28) Nata Dawnstrider (3) enchant chest minor mana (3) minor mana oil (3) minor wizard oil (3) lesser wizard oil (2) enchanted mageweave pouch (3) enchant 2h weapon lesser intellect (1) enchant boots minor agility
3 H (43,44) Mahu (3) red linen bag (3) red wolen bag (3) orange martial shirt (3) white wedding dress
3 H (51,74) Algernon (3) elixir of shadowpower (3) superior mana potion
2 H (62,60) Thaddeus Webb (3) enchant chest minor mana (3) minor mana oil (3) minor wizard oil (3) lesser wizard oil (2) enchanted mageweave pouch
2 H (64,37) Daniel Bartlett (2) enchant bracer deflection (2) enchant shield greater stamina
2 H (70,58) Joseph Moore (3) barbaric bracers (2) green whelp bracers
3 H (70,29) Millie Gregorian (3) red woolen bag (3) greater adepts robe (2) tuxedo shirt (2) tuxedo pants (2) tuxedo jacket
2 A (50,67) Harklan Moongrove (2) shadow protection potion
2 A (35,52) Dalria (2) enchant cloak minor agility (3) enchant bracerlesser strength
1 N (18,59) Harlown Darkweave (1) herbalist gloves
3 A (34,49) Lardan (3) barbaric leggings
1 N (45,90) Jubie Gadgetspring (1) deepdive helmet (path down at 45,88)
1 N (45,90) Blimo Gadgetspring (1) blue dragonscale breastplate (1) chimeric gloves(path down at 45,88)
3 N (61,38) Ranik (3) rage potion (3) blue linen robe (3) greater adept's robe
3 H (51,30) Hula'Mahi (3) holy protection potion
2 N (62,36) Gagsprocket (2) green firework
2 N (??,??) Kalldan Fellmoon (2) deviate scale cloak (2) deviate scale gloves
3 H (52,31) Wrahk (3) blue linen vest (3) red wolen bag (3) blue linen robe
3 H (44,59) Yonada (3) blue overalls (3) red woolen bag
3 H (41,38) Kiknikle (3) red woolen bag
3 A (37,41) Mavralyn (3) murloc scale belt (3) murloc scale breastplate
3 A (38,40) Valdaron (3) blue linen vest (3) red linen bag (3) red wolen bag
1 N (60,38) Vendor-tron 1000 (1) free action potion (3) great rage potion (3) barbaric leggings (2) green whelp bracers (1) green leather armor (2) gem studded leather belt
3 H (55,56) Muuran (3) solid iron maul
1 N (40,79) Super-Seller 680 (1) ice deflector (3) dark silk shirt (2) crimson silk cloak (2) goblin jumper cables (1) ice deflector (1) accurate scope (1) enchanters cowl
2 H (51,53) Kireena (2) azure silk gloves
Dustwallow Marsh
3 A (66,51) Helenia Olden (3) murloc scale bracers
2 H (35,30) Ghok'kah (2) icy cloak
1 N (??,??) Shen'dralar Provisioner (in dire maul) (1) mooncloth robe
1 H (76,43) Bronk (1) nature protection potion (2) ghost dye
1 A (32,43) Logannas (1) nature protection potion (2) ghost dye
1 H (74,42) Jangdor Swiftstrider (2) green whelp bracers (1) nightscape shoulders (1) turtle scale gloves (2) living shoulders
2 A (30,42) Pratt Mcgrubben (2) green whelp bracers (1) turtle scale gloves (2) living shoulders
1 H (74,42) Worb Strongstitch (1) nightscape shoulders
2 A (88,45) Brienna Starglow (2) azure silk cloak
1 N (51,33) Darnall (1) runecloth boots (1) runecloth robe (1) runecloth cloak
1 N (48,40) Lorelae Wintersong (1) enchant cloak superior defense (1) runed arcanite rod (1) fellcloth pants
1 N (51,39) Kania (3) enchant chest minor mana (3) minor mana oil (3) minor wizard oil (3) lesser wizard oil (2) enchanted mageweave pouch (1) lesser mana oil (1) wizard oil (1) enchanted runecloth bag (1) enchanted mageweave bag
1 N (81,17) Zannok Hidepiercer (2) heavy scorpid bracers (1) heavy scorpid helm
Stonetallon Mountians
1 H (47,61) Jeeda (1) fire protection potion
2 H (45,59) Kulwia (2) enchant cloak minor agility (3) enchant bracerlesser strength
2 N (58,51) Veenix (2) goblin jumper cables
1 N (50,26) Alchemest Petzlezugg (1) nature protection potion (3) philosiphers stone (3) transmute iron to gold (3) transmute mithril to truesilver (1) transmute arcanite
2 N (51,28) Krinkle Goodsteel (2) golden scale coif
1 N (50,27) Blizrik Buckshot (1) e-z thro dynamite II
2 N (51,27) Vizklick (2) soul pouch (2) crimson silk robe
Thousand Needles
1 H (45,50) Montarr (1) shadow oil
3 N (77,77) Jinky Twizzlefixit (3) lovingly crafted boomstick (3) gnomish universal remote
3 H (46,51) Jandia (3) barbaric leggings
Ungoro Crater
1 N (43,7) Nergal (1) devilsaur guantlets
1 N (60,37) Evie Whirlbrew (3) major healing potion (1) make mooncloth
1 N (61,37) Qia (1) enchant chest major health (1) runecloth bag (1) runecloth gloves (1) make mooncloth / (2) frostsaber boots
1 N (60,38) Xizzer Fizzbolt (1) gyrofreeze ice reflector (1) masterwork target dummy (3) powerful seaforium charge (2) thorium tube (2) delicate arcanite converter
Alterac Mountians
1 A (38,38) Bro'kin (1) frost oil
1 N (47,35) Rizz Loosebolt (1) ice deflector
Arathi Highlands
2 A (46,47) Drovnar Strongbrew (2) frost protection potion
3 A (45,47) Jannos Ironwill (3) solid iron maul
3 H (74,32) Keena (3) enchant bracer lesser deflection (3) barbaric leggings
3 A (46,47) Hammon Karwin (3) barbaric leggings
2 H (72,36) Jun'ha (2) azure silk cloak
3 N (42,52) Jazzrik (3) solid iron maul
Blasted Lands
Burning Stepps
Deadwind Pass
Dun Morogh
2 N (81,19) Kzixx (3) holy protection potion (2) goblin jumper cables
1 N (18,54) Bliztik (1) shadow oil
3 A (75,45) Sheri Zipstitch (3) greater adepts robe (3) dark silk shirt
2 A (75,45) Danielle Zipstitch (2) bright yellow shirt
Eastern Plaguelands
1 N (80,57) Jase Farlane (1) runic leather headband
Elwynn Forest
3 A (41,67) Taryn Bouden (3) blue linen vest
3 A (83,66) Drake Lindgren (3) blue linen robe
Hillsbrad Foothils
2 H (62,19) Christoff Jeffcoat (2) shadow protection potion (3) thick murloc armor
1 A (50,57) Nandar Branson (1) fire protection potion
1 N (00,00) Zixil (1) enchant boots minor agility (3) red woolen bag (2) goblin jumper cables (3) earthen leather shoulders
2 A (48,55) Micha Yance (3) enchant bracer lesser deflection (3) thick murloc armor / (2) icy cloak
1 N (84,18) Zan Shivspocket (1) gnomish cloaking device
1 N (34,37) Ruppo Zipcoil (1) mithril mechanical dragonling
1 N (34,38) Gigget Zipcoil (1) ironfeather shoulders
1 H (91,38) George Candarte (1) green leather armor
3 H (61,20) Mallen Swain (3) blue overalls (3) dark silk shirt
2 A (13,44) Harggan (2) mithril scale bracers
1 A (13,43) Nioma (1) nightscape shoulders
Loch Modan
3 A (82,63) Xandar Goodbeard (3) rage potion (3) holy protection potion
3 A (34,45) Rann Flamespinner (3) red wolen bag (3) greater adepts robe
Redridge Mountians
1 A (88,70) Clyde Ranthal (1) black whelp cloak
1 A (29,47) Amy Davenport (1) black whelp tunic (3) red wolen bag
Searing Gorge
Silverpine Forrest
2 ? (53,82) Leo Sarn (3) enchant chest minor mana (3) minor mana oil (3) minor wizard oil (3) lesser wizard oil (2) enchanted mageweave pouch (3) enchant 2h weapon lesser intellect
1 ? (43,50) Lilly (3) enchant chest minor mana (3) minor mana oil (3) minor wizard oil (3) lesser wizard oil (2) enchanted mageweave pouch (1) enchant chest lesser mana
3 H (43,40) Andrew Hilbert (3) murloc scale belt (3) murloc scale breastplate (3) red linen bag (3) blue linen robe
Stranglethorn Vale
1 N (28,78) Glyx Brewright (2) frost protection potion (1) nature protection potion
3 N (27,77) Jutak (3) hardened iron shortwsword
3 N (35,10) Jaqulina Dramet (3) massive iron axe
3 H (23,27) Vharr (3) massive iron axe
2 N (28,76) Crazk Sparks (2) green fireworks
1 N (28,75) Mazk Snipeshot (1) accurate scope (1) truesilver transformer
1 N (50,35) Gnaz Blunderflame (1) mechanical dragonling
1 N (51,35) Knaz Blunderflame (1) deadly scope
3 N (28,77) Blixrez Goodstitch (3) thick murloc armor (3) murloc scale bracers
1 N (28,76) Rikqiz (2) gem studded leather belt (1) shadowskin gloves
2 N (28,74) Xizk Goodstitch (2) crimson silk cloak (2) enchanters cowl
1 N (28,74) Narkk (1) black swashbucklers shirt
1 N (27,82) Cowardly Crosby (1) admirals hat
Swamp of Sorrows
2 H (45,51) Gharash (2) mithril scale bracers
2 H (44,56) Banalash (2) enchant bracer deflection
1 N (26,31) Masat T'andar (1) green dragonscale breastplate
Trisifall Glades
1 H (83,69) Werg Thickblade (2) wicked leather gauntlets (1) stormshroud pants
Western Plaguelands
1 A (43,84) Leonard Porter (2) wicked leather gauntlets (1) stormshroud pants
3 N (43,46) Defias Profiteer (3) rage potion
3 A (57,53) Gina Macgreggor (3) murloc scale belt (3) murloc scale breastplate (3) red linen bag (3) blue overalls
3 N (26,25) Fradd Swiftgear (3) lovingly crafted boomstick (3) minor recombobulator
2 N (25,25) Wenna Silkbeard (2) red whelp gloves (2) azure silk gloves (1) green leather armor
3 A (8,55) Jennabink Powerseam (3) red woolen bag (3) greater adepts robe
BOE Vendor Recipes for Every Profession